Relocating your garden shed can really seem like a challenging task. You are probably delaying it, wondering if you will be capable of doing it by yourself and is it worth the effort. We assure you that with the right guidance and tools, it can be accomplished efficiently and without a problem. Regardless if you need to relocate your shed in your property, or somewhere else, all you need is to understand the right way to do it without harming it.
In this article we will make sure that you understand all the basics and all the important stuff that you need to know when you want to move your shed safely to a new location. We will guide you through the whole process and after you read the following lines you will be prepared to execute the task confidently and efficiently.

Is it possible to move your garden shed?
It is possible to move your shed securely and it is not a hard thing to do. All you have to do is get familiar with the steps to do it in the best and easiest way possible. Like every other renovation or remodeling project you will need careful planning and the right tools.
To move your shed properly without harming it though, it must be in a good condition and you must be sure that it will withstand the moving process without falling apart. If there are any damages on your shed they must be repaired before the move. This is crucial to prevent any damage during the relocation.
With proper, careful planning, the proper equipment and tools, and a bit of help from friends or professional assistance if you think it is necessary, the moving process is possible and easy to do.
How to move a shed?
Like we already said above, the successful move of your shed and relocating it to a new place depends on your preparation for the process. We will give you all the steps you need to take to ensure that you will execute the job safely and without any damages done to your property.
Here is the step-by-step guide on how to move your shed:
Prepare the shed
Before you start moving your shed there are some preparations you need to do. First, you need to empty the shed’s storage space completely of any kind of furniture, all the equipment you stored inside, or any other items so you ensure the shed’s load is as light as it can be and there is no excess weight. Also, if the shed has any loose boards or damages on its structure, you should repair them before proceeding. Additionally, check if there are some pipes underneath the shed or any other type of electrical or plumbing connections and disconnect them if there are such. Make sure you seal all the window and door openings so they won’t open during the moving.

Access the place
Now, it is time for planning. Determine the path that you will take to move the shed. Consider any obstacles like fences, trees, or uneven ground, for example, and clear the path as much as possible to guarantee safe transportation. Measure the width of the path and the shed’s size to be sure that it will go through it smoothly.
Prepare your tools
The right tools are essential for any task and this case is no exception.
Here is a list of the tools you will need:
- Jacks – Jacks are needed so you can lift the shed off the ground.
- Pipes or rollers – If you move your shed a short distance, the pipes and rolls will come in handy.
- Dollies – This tool will help you manure easier when the movement requires you to take turns.
- Vehicle – An average-sized flatbed truck will be the optimal choice for this task if the shed will be moved to a long-distance location.
- Straps and ties – This will help you secure the shed during the movement.
- Protective gear – Gloves, safety glasses, and protection for your body are essential in any type of task that includes renovating, remodeling, or relocating.
Lift the shed
With the help of the jacks, you must carefully lift the shed off the ground. Place pipes and rolls underneath to help it roll smoothly. If you are using dollies, remember that they must be positioned under each corner of the shed.
Move the shed
Regardless if you’re moving a brand new shed or your old garden building, you should do it slowly and carefully. Roll or push the shed along the planned path. For longer distances, secure the shed onto the vehicle that will transport it. Make sure that you move slowly to avoid any damage.

Secure the shed in its new location
When you finally reach the new location, carefully lower it to the ground where it will stay. Ensure it is leveled and stable. Reconnect any utilities that you will need in the future and inspect the structure for any damages that may occur during the movement.
These are all the steps you need to take in order to safely lift and move your shed to its new location. There are also things you should be aware of during the moving process.
Here is a list of things you should pay attention to in order to execute the task efficiently:
- Check access points – Before you start make sure there are no obstacles that could block the shed’s path to its final destination.
- Check your tool’s condition – Your tools must be sharp and ready. If even one of your tools is damaged, it can disrupt your whole process.
- Disassemble non-structural elements – Take off all the doors and windows and leave only the doors and window frames to prevent damage.
- Protect the surrounding area – You can lay down protective mats or plywood on the ground to protect the area from damage caused by moving equipment.
- Notify neighbors – Inform the neighbors about what you are planning to do so there are no disturbances for anybody.
- Consider the meteorological conditions – Check out the local weather to ensure that your movement process won’t be interrupted by rainfall or strong wind.
- Check the local regulations – Make sure you have any required permits to execute the move.
If you follow this guide you will move your shed safely and efficiently to its new place without any damage or problem.

Can You Do It Alone, or Do You Need Professional Help?
DIY or professional? Pros and cons:
- Pros – Doing it yourself will save you money and that is the biggest advantage of the DIY project. Also when you do it by yourself you will get experience and a sense of confidence in this type of project.
- Cons – DIY projects take too much of your time and energy. Moving a shed in particular, especially if it is a larger shed, is intensive labour and requires physical strength. Also, without proper experience, you risk damaging the shed or the surroundings.
- Pros – Professionals have the knowledge and expertise needed to execute the task in the best possible way. Hiring experts also minimizes the risks of damage and saves you a lot of time and energy.
- Cons – Professional moving services can be expensive. You must carefully check the prices and see if they fit your budget.
If you are still not sure which one is the best choice for you, you can seek professional advice, or ask for advice from people, who have already moved their shed.
How Much Does it Cost?
The cost of moving depends on many factors, such as the shed’s size, the equipment, and tools you will need, and if you will do it by yourself or if you will hire a professional service for the job. If you decide to hire experts the cost will be higher, but if you do it by yourself and you are not prepared enough, you can cause damages that will also cost you.
Make a budget plan and see where you fit in and what is the best option for you. Careful planning and budgeting are really important for a successful project execution.

Moving your shed may seem a hard thing at first but with the right planning, tools, and preparations it can be done smoothly and without a problem. Regardless if you decide to do it by yourself or hire a professional our guide will help you understand the process better.
Remember, safety comes first. Take all of the necessary precautions to ensure your and your property’s security.